8 Excel Addin Bugs?

8 Excel Addin Bugs?

i'm not sure, but these seem like they might be bugs:

  1. i open excel
  2. create a new workbook
  3. save locally
  4. then, save to zoho
  5. i get "workbook is not available in Zoho, do you want to add it?"
  6. click "yes"
  7. close excel
  8. open excel
  9. open my local copy of same document
  10. click Zoho "save"
  11. i get "workbook is not available in Zoho, do you want to add it?"
    • That does not seem right. I think Zoho should recognize it's the same file.
  12. i click "yes".
  13. now i have two copies of the same file in zoho.
    • That does not seem right. I think if i roll this out to my users, they will end up with multiple copies of the same file in zoho, and they will get totally confused.
  14. i click the zoho "add" button.
  15. now i have three copies of the same file in zoho.
    • That does not seem right. I think Zoho should recognize it's the same file. Zoho should not allow multiple copies of the same file with the same name. i'd rather you at least ask me first "do you want to create a new file, or update the existing file? if you create a new file, it will automatically be renamed". --that is the kind of professional, user-friendly idiot-proof features that Zoho needs.
    • i cannot roll this out to my users, because they will accidentally create multiple file, and then our files will be a mess.
  16. each time i click "Add", zoho appends some numbers to the file title in the Excel titlebar.that would be good, except:
  17. when i click the zoho "open" button in excel, the zoho directory does not display those numbers you appended to my file title. so i don't know which is which.
    • That does not seem right. I think Zoho should display the numbers appended to the titles.
18. and, the numbering doesn't make sense. i get "myfile1.xls", "myfile11.xls", "myfile111.xls" etc.
    • That does not seem right. I think they should be number 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
19. sometimes, the duplicate files in Zoho (in sheet.zoho.com webpage) do not get autonumbered-- there are multiple files with the same name. i'm not sure when this happened, but it's very dangerous. Maybe i quit excel between re-adding the same file-- not sure.
    • That does not seem right. I think Zoho should never allow multiple files with the same name in sheet.zoho.com. 
19a. there is an excel file in my Zoho called "myfile.xls". when i click the Zoho 'open' button in Excel, it's listed as "myfile.xls". but when i open it, the excel title bar says "myfile123.xls". when i check sheet.zoho.com, the file is called "myfile.xls".
  • That does not seem right. I think the excel title bar should display the same name that i see in the Zoho "open" dialog box, and in sheet.zoho.com.
20. often Zoho freezes on clicking the zoho addin 'save' button. after a looong time, i get "Zoho: an error occurred while saving the workbook".
    • That does not seem right. I think zoho should never freeze, or make me wait so long before giving me the error message. Perhaps you could shorten the timeout time to 5 seconds, not 5 minutes, and then you retry. when i click save again, it saves ok ("workbook saved successfully").
(the numbering got messed up in this message. i had to manually type some of the numbers. also, sub-items formatted as bullets in the editor display as numbers instead of bullets on publish)