A method for renaming tab titles in Creator to display more relevant information

A method for renaming tab titles in Creator to display more relevant information

Hi Zoho Devs,

  1. Rules Export File attached; you can now import this into Tab Modifier instead of manually entering the rules yourself)
  2. 2022-06-08: Updated rules so that crm.zoho.com tabs are not affected; uploaded new .json import file
  3. 2022-06-09: Updated regex to work with the form & report builder URLs
  4. 2022-06-13: Updated regex to exclude Zoho Analytics and Help links
  5. 2022-06-21: Updated regex to lookbehind for creator or creatorapp, rather than trying to exclude all the other zoho services

Screenshots below.

You may have noticed that in Creator, every tab has the title "Zoho Creator," which can make it difficult to find the correct tab when you're working. This can be frustrating when developing if you have multiple functions, workflows, forms, reports, or pages open in various tabs, since all of the tab titles are the same and give no information about what is actually open in each tab.

Here is the solution I implemented on my Chrome browser; I'm posting it here in case anyone else wants to make use of it:
  1. install the Tab Modifier extension for Chrome
  2. Import the JSON file into Tab Modifier (Settings > Import Tab Rules), OR input the following rules manually. 
    1. for functions (this rule should be first):
      1. Name: Zoho Creator f(x) CONTAINS customFunction
      2. Title: f(x) $0
      3. URL Matcher: (?<=customFunction\/)[\S]*
    2. for forms, reports, and pages (enter rule BELOW the first one):
      1. Name: Zoho Creator General CONTAINS zoho.com
      2. Title: $0
      3. URL Matcher: (form\/|report\/|pagebuilder\/|#)[\S]*
[NOTE: attached JSON file is more current than these written instructions]

This will cause Chrome to display pertinent information in the tab title for Zoho Creator tabs.

I have tested this on several things in Creator, but not everything. I also know that this may cause tab titles for other Zoho services to display incorrectly. If anyone makes improvements to these regex expressions / tab rules, please reply here with more info.



(Zoho team: perhaps you can make use of this to implement something similar for all users?)

Hope this helps!

Ian Melchior