Ability to apply custom note color to more than one note

Ability to apply custom note color to more than one note

I used the picker to set my default note color to a custom color, and I would like to set other, existing notes to the same color. It's very difficult to get a precise match using the picker in those notes, but I don't see another way to do it. Let me know if I'm missing something, otherwise here are a few possible ways to address this, from easiest to hardest:
  • (simplest) add a 'default note color' control to the individual note color options, or...
  • (cleanest) automatically add whatever the default note color is to the available set of pre-defined colors, or...
  • (most flexible) add a control to the picker that allows input of numerical color values, or...
  • (least likely) allow users to save custom colors to the available set of pre-defined colors
Thank you for your attention to this small detail.

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