Access level management based on Roles/Function in company... (role/function based access control (RBAC))

Access level management based on Roles/Function in company... (role/function based access control (RBAC))

We are actually working on defining new structure for online drive...

Usually it's possible to define access levels for new folders and if new employee joins the company I simply define the roles/functions of this person according his job, functions or hierarchy.
So I searched for the possibility to define role/function to a member...

I'm wondering a bit, why this doesn't exist. It's a standard in IT since a long time...
The only function I found is define "fixed" roles to Member. So this needs to be done for every person, for every folder... one by one? Looking in the future, this will be nearly not handleable if somebody leaves or joins the company, huge effort to admin this...
This usually should be defined to folders or even to single files if needed, for example to collaborate during projects with a dedicated specialist...

Could it really be, that this is not existing? For a shared drive solution for collaborating inner companies?
Or did we simply not found the functionality to define this only one time, configure the member(employee) ones and he directly is configured to all related folders and files...

Thx in advance for your support.