Access to public wiki-pages by www AND http://

Access to public wiki-pages by www AND http://


I have created my own public wiki and customized the access to it in "settings" for primary domain with my own domain:

But public people who insert in their browsers will not be directed to this page !

On the other side when I change wiki-settings for primary domain from in  in: all public who forget inserting "www" will not be channeled to my public wiki-page.

Is there any possibility to arrange in DNS a solution for channelling both browser-entries to the same public wiki-site ?

Why doesn't Zoho-Wiki  provide  the same comfortable option like Zoho-Discussions where you have beside the  primary domain-setting also a secundary domain setting which channels to the primary domain setting.

In this way it is possible to set primary domain with: "" and secundary domain setting with: ""

Kind regards