Sending WhatsApp Template Messages Outside 24-Hour Window in Zoho SalesIQ

Sending WhatsApp Template Messages Outside 24-Hour Window in Zoho SalesIQ

Dear Zoho SalesIQ Team,

I'm writing to request a new feature for Zoho SalesIQ: the ability to send approved WhatsApp template messages to customers outside of the current 24-hour window.

Understanding the 24-Hour Window:

Currently, Zoho SalesIQ allows sending WhatsApp messages to customers who initiate a conversation within the last 24 hours. This "customer care window" restricts proactive outreach with template messages beyond this timeframe.

Need for Sending Template Messages Outside 24 Hours:

There are several scenarios where sending template messages outside the 24-hour window would be beneficial:

Follow-up Messages: We might need to send follow-up messages with updates, reminders, or confirmations related to previous customer interactions.

Scheduled Outreach: Proactive outreach for promotions, new product launches, or personalized offers based on customer data could be more effective if scheduled outside peak hours.

The ability to send template messages beyond 24 hours offers several advantages:

Improved Customer Engagement: Enables proactive outreach for better customer engagement and relationship building.

Increased Sales Opportunities: Allows sending timely promotional or informational messages that can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Provides a more complete and responsive customer service experience by addressing inquiries outside traditional business hours.


We believe the ability to send approved WhatsApp template messages outside the 24-hour window in Zoho SalesIQ would be a valuable addition for many businesses. This feature would enhance our communication strategies, improve customer engagement, and ultimately lead to better sales outcomes.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
