Add Sales Order Template Fields to Packing Slip & Shipment Templates

Add Sales Order Template Fields to Packing Slip & Shipment Templates

The Sales Order document template has many options available (specifically in the Item Table) that are not available for use in other relevant document templates like Packing Slip and Shipment.

There are many use cases where having these fields available for the Item Table on the Packing Slip or Shipment documents makes a ton of sense.

One example would be the Qty Shipped, Qty Unshipped, and Qty Backordered fields. There are many users who get a large order from a client and then have many shipments to the customer to fulfill the order. They would want to present that information to their customers on the Packing Slip so there is no confusion about where an overall PO stands.

This tweak would solve what seems to be a big problem for many users.