Adding product filter

Adding product filter


Trying to add a category product filter, but does not seem to be working / can't get it to work as I would expect.

What (I think) should happen:

Set up the category filter.  Settings -> Product Filter -> Add a new filter -> and I've added a filter named 'Category' using 'Category' as the filter type.

When someone clicks on to a main category page, the filter appears, allowing the user to see/choose the sub-categories associated with that main category.

Instead, what is happening:

On the main category page, there is no filter showing at all.

On the sub-category page, the filter appears, but only showing the parent category as a filter option!  No other categories?!

(Kind of like the reverse of what I would expect to happen).

Am I missing something?  Doing something wrong with the setup? 

Any insight or help greatly appreciated.