Adjusting Physical Inventory

Adjusting Physical Inventory

Not getting very far with support on this one, they say they are going to fix it but nothings happened since November. Please give this a thumbs up if you would like to see this feature or comment if you have some insight. 

Use Case: Inventory set to be based on shipments and receives.

Physical Stock panel on item:

1. Item 1 has 35 items on the shelf, no sales orders yet.

Stock on Hand = 35
Commited Stock = 0
Available for sale = 35

2. Sales order is raised for qty 35 (not shipped yet)

Stock on Hand = 35
Commited Stock = 35
Available for sale = 0

3. We do a stock take and notice 3 have gone missing (Lets say they were stolen) meaning there is 32 on the shelf. We adjust the stock and get this screen:

We enter 32 in "New Quantity on Hand"

Stock now shows:

Stock on Hand = 67
Commited Stock = 35
Available for sale = 32

But I have 32 on the shelf not 67...... The stock take screen asks for "New Stock On Hand" but it is actually interpreting this as "Available for Sale", it is doing the following calculation to determine the amount to adjust by:

The current logic: "Entered on hand figure" - "Available for sale" = "Adjustment Amount"
e.g. 32 - 0 = 32. (It then increments the stock by 32 bringing us to 67 from 35)

The logic should be

"Adjustment amount entered" - "Current Stock on hand" 
e.g. 32 - 35 = -3.  Then increment the stock by -3 which brings us to 32 the correct physical amount. 

This is driving me crazy and making it near impossible to do stock takes as we constantly have committed stock. 

It is possible that this is tied to the accounting stock management setting and it just doesn't work when set to manage stock by shipments and receives which we are on. Works in accounting world but not in the real one!

Please comment/thumbs up if you can, I need to push this with Zoho inventory and get it fixed.