All Notes displayed as empty after Updating

All Notes displayed as empty after Updating

Hello everyone,

I'm mainly using the Notebook App on my good old iPad Mini 1 (yep, the one without a retina screen :D ). It always worked totally fine, but today I did the update to Version 5.2. Now suddenly all of my notes are empty (just the header of each note is there). Please let me know how to fix this or release an hotfix update, because I'm using your app happily at work for several years now.

Version 5.2
iPad Mini (1st Generation)
iOS 9.3.5

      • Sticky Posts

      • Migrate your Notebook data to the new, mobile Notebook.

        Zoho Notebook is transforming. The new version will include exciting new features and a completely new user experience. The initial version will be mobile based, available for Android and iOS. A new web version will be available after the initial mobile release.   With the release of the new Notebook approaching, we're migrating most of your current data to the new version. Once the new version is released, there will be an additional window to migrate your data. We will not provide access to the