After spending much time to set up our CRM & Campaigns accounts, we were shocked to learn that Contacts can only enter a Workflow once. While this is a nice option to have for certain Workflows, having it as a standard limitation for all workflows severely limits strategy for Marketing Automation campaigns.
In fact, I have never heard of that limitation with any other marketing automation software (and I've used quite a few of them). The idea and magic of marketing automation is to be able to automatically process and update/edit lead data to segment and key off those fields (in addition to actions). Some of these workflows/automations need to happen more than once to really work.
It's really a shame — as I think Zoho overall has created a pretty robust and powerful ecosystem of apps. However, this one limitation with Campaigns severely limits strategic marketing campaigns — and really makes it rather similar to simpler email service providers like Mailchimp.
This is issue also lends itself to other issues, such as us workflows to trigger on email actions globally. Example, any time someone clicks on an email link, do this action. Right now, you have to set it up for every single email! If you have strategic email campaigns, that would be so many workflows! Again, making triggering off email opens/clicks extremely difficult and cumbersome. Automation is supposed to make work easier — not harder!