AM/PM reversed on calandar dayview mobile app

AM/PM reversed on calandar dayview mobile app


I just installed the app and it looks great, thank you for making it! However I do run into one serious error and one that is merely annoying.

Main issue:
- AM/PM is in reversed order when selecting a random day with an appointment both in the AM as the PM zone. This is how it looks for a day with 3 appointments.

Appointment 3 (0630PM / 1830)
Appointment 1 (0900AM / 0900)
Appointment 2 (1100AM / 1300)

Which obviously doesnt make any sense. This errors holds true for every day.

Second of all, in my profile online I stated that I want a 24h format and not 12h, but it still is in 12h. Can I change this?