Amazon Sync'ing and Attributes

Amazon Sync'ing and Attributes


I'd like clarification on something with regard to the Amazon integration...

Toward the top of the Amazon Integration page with the Setup button, it states that items are mapped to Amazon by SKU.

At the bottom of the page, it states:

"Items in Amazon that have more than three attributes will not be a part of a sync as Zoho Inventory supports only up to three attributes."

I ask this question for this reason...  Some of the products I sell have more than three attributes.  My solution in Zoho as a workaround for the limited number of attributes is to double them up by using a "|" character between two attributes within a single attribute field, thereby allowing me to have six instead of three.  This still effectively allows for reporting and searches by using "contains" (e.g. all products where the attribute contains "red").

All this to say, I'd like for these to be properly separated in Amazon.  What I'm unclear on is this.  When it says that the items won't sync, is that only in reference to only the items fields themselves (like the item description and attributes)?

In other words, will items in Amazon (description/attributes) simply not update in Zoho, but the items will still be sellable in Amazon, and then reflect accordingly on sales orders for an item of the same SKU in Zoho?  Or will Zoho simply not allow for the item to be listed at all on a new sales order, even though there may be a matching SKU?
