WFH Tip : 7 Analyse user experience in real time and increase conversion potential with SalesIQ's tracking data

WFH Tip : 7 Analyse user experience in real time and increase conversion potential with SalesIQ's tracking data

Sales and marketing strategies can become extremely efficient only if you are able to understand the traffic on your website and gain more insights about the people who are returning to your website. Only when you know where to focus your efforts, you will be able to stop missing sales opportunities and nudge the visitors on your website to make a purchase. Visitor tracking in Zoho SalesIQ will throw spotlight on your unknown website traffic and help you close deals you never realized you had.

What is Visitor Tracking?

  • Visitor tracking in Zoho SalesIQ is a powerful feature that lets you identify and track website visitors, view and record the path they are traversing on your website, and also lets you analyse their personal details like name, IP address, geolocation, etc. so that you can initiate a proactive chat at any point of time.
  • With visitor tracking, you will be able to keep track of all the visitors who have landed on your website and tailor proactive messages to address pain points.
  • You can identify key contacts that your sales team should be targeting, add them to the list or sync them directly to your CRM, prioritize and contact them to start nurturing your lead.
  • You can keep track of how many pages each visitor traverses before purchasing, which pages do they spend most time on and which channels are driving the maximum number of leads to your website at each stage.

How can Visitor Tracking be beneficial?

Use and review tracked data whenever you want to:
  • All the data that was gathered from visitor tracking will be available to you for future reference inside the Visitors Online module.
  • Data like email, IP address, number of visits, etc. about every single visitor who had landed on your website and was tracked in the Visitors Online module will be recorded and using this information, you will be able to perform effective analysis even after the visitor has left your website and determine what type of content your visitors are interested in, predict their needs and use that in your sales pitches.
Easier and simpler routing:
  • With data incurred from visitor tracking, you can set up effective and precise routing rules for chat and visitor routing, ease the work of your operators and thus target your customers better.
  • Route chats to the different operators and departments in your organization based on the visitor tracking information like geographical location, IP address, number of past chats, previous issues, CRM info, etc.
  • For example, if you find a bunch of visitors who were tracked landing on your website from the United States, you can set up an exclusive rule to route them to operators who deal with the specific region.
Score visitors based on tracking info:
  • The best way to know who your potential customers are is to score them based on the information that was recorded during their previous visits - the pages they had visited, the activities they had performed, etc. The higher the score, higher the probability of closing the deal.
  • With tracking information, you can calculate lead scores for your visitors based on the number of visits they have paid to your website, previous purchases, time spent on each page of your website, number of past chats, etc. and determine who to follow-up with.
Send reports to emails:
  • The previously recorded tracking information that is available inside the Visitor History module can be sent as reports to your email for reference in the future.
  • This data can also be shared with the operators inside your organization in case of a crisis.
  • This data is also recorded and available inside the Reports module of SalesIQ. You can view reports for specific periods of time whenever necessary.
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