[API]When I get access and refresh token, it was error.
I want to use Zoho Sprints API is REST .
I did Initial setup.
I successed to get code by 'Generate grant token' .
When I get access and refresh token, it was error.
Error message is {"error":"invalid_client"}.
I executed within one minute of the code expiration date, but I get an error.
Please support me.
Thank you.
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Launching the API Guide for Zoho Sprints
The term "API" stands for "Application Programming Interface". It is a set of rules that help you create and integrate applications that can access the data from a different server or an application. Breaking this definition further, it is a medium for two different platforms to interact with each other without any glitches. How important is an API to a customer? APIs play a significant role in our daily routine. Right from booking a cab to one's workplace, making an online money transfer to a friend,