App noifications don't reset after viewing item

App noifications don't reset after viewing item

When a ticket is updated, a notification is generated on my phone app, and the bubble counter upticks one.  When I go online to view that ticket, either via the app or browser, I would expect that the notification(s) associated with that ticket would then be automatically cleared (synchronized) but they are not.

So even though I have viewed and responded to all my tickets, when I look at my phone there is always a bubble counter present.  It's also there on browser view as well.  Those 2 things are not connected apparently, so you have to look at the ticket and then also click the notifications and just bring up that list and it clears them all - even if you haven't viewed the ticket associated with the notification.

IMO the way this should work is that the notifications bubble should be "sticky" until the ticket is viewed, meaning that you cannot clear them at all until you view the ticket, and then the notification is automatically cleared.  The way it works right now is not useful for indicating there are new alerts.

Perhaps there is some other function that these serve apart from this issue but to me it's not working intuitively