Assigning Devices in Group Issue

Assigning Devices in Group Issue

Hi Guys

I was wondering if anyone else had been experiencing any issues with the Groups on Zoho Assist?

I have attached 2 images of the issues we are having,. Firstly when we assign groups, it shows the device name and not the display name like it used to do, for example I have highlighted this in the manage devices image attached.

Secondly we could previously filter unattached devices to add to already made groups, this isn't a feature now either. So we had a particular client that added a new till system to their business and this was needing added to their Zoho Group, we couldn't locate this due to Device Name i.e. (TILL 3) instead of the Display Name The Wolf Pack Inn Till 3. The only reason I was able to locate this was by it's IP address. So I added this to the already created Group, once it was added, it deleted out the Till 1 and Till 2 that were already  added to this group.   

So we ended up with Only Till 3 of the Wolf Pack Inn within this Group, and we are unable to add back in the other 2 tills due to the Groups looking at Device names and no the display names that it used to do. 

We have asked for support by phone and Online Chat, but there has been no real success here. I could only imagine this was causing other customers the same issues too. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Kind Regards



      • Sticky Posts

      • Release Notes: Version 1.91, February 2015

        Unattended Access (Beta) is live!   Unattended Access, a feature requested by a lot of our customers is live now. Currently, it's in beta. You can add up to 100 computers per Technician subscription. They can also be accessed by your organization members.  My Computers  list in Zoho Assist home page will  always  display the online status of your unattended computers. You can rename the computers whenever you wish.  Currently, Unattended Access can be configured only for Windows computers. Nevertheless,