Attachements for events

Attachements for events

I have noticed several differences between web & iPhone & iPad versions of CRM in terms of links between different entities. And it makes it quite difficult to align the info you are entering via different devices.

One example - if I create an activity/event via web-browser, I can only add a note and invite people. If I create the same activity/even via iPhone application, I can also attach a file (photo...). It would be very nice, if these links and possibilities would be synchronized and would allow same operations regardless of what device I use.

Second example - when I work on iPhone/iPad, I am able to save contacts both directions - to phone address book and from address book, but when I work with events, I can only save them from Zoho app to calendar, but not the other way around - and for me this way would be much more usefull as most of the events I get as an invites to my calendar, bud cannot save them to Zoho app.

Any thoughts? Are these issues solvable?