Attention Content Character Limit Issue

Attention Content Character Limit Issue


I am trying to customize/format the content that is shown on an invoice sent to my customers, and use custom fields in this content.  However, there is a 255 character limit set on the text you put into the "Attention Content" field on an invoice. My difficulty is that when creating an invoice template, Zoho counts characters that will not actually show up on the invoice towards that 255 character limit. It seems to be counting characters that make up my variable names for my custom fields. If you look to the image as an example, in the first line of my Attention Content, it is counting "{invoice.cf_p}" as 14 characters. But in an actual invoice, the number that fills this space would only be something like 9 characters. Since characters like "{invoice." are mandatory for accessing my custom fields, I have been forced to use non-descript variable names, and severely limit the my character use in the other parts of the Attention content in order to stay under the character limit.   

I hope you can see my debacle. 

Thank you,
