Auto-update Stock On Hand to match Available For Sale?

Auto-update Stock On Hand to match Available For Sale?

Hi folks,

I've got Zoho Inventory connected to Amazon and a Shopify site to automatically generate sales orders in Zoho when customers buy items from either of these two channels. I currently process and ship orders through Amazon and Shopify, so there's no need to create invoices, shipments, etc. in Zoho. I just want to use Zoho (for now) to sync and keep track of product inventory.

It looks like when a sales order is created in Zoho for a product, the 'Available for Sale' number drops, but the 'Stock on Hand' number does not (the difference is held in the 'Committed Stock' number).

How can I automatically update the 'Stock on Hand' number for each product to match the 'Available for Sale' number, since I'm not using Zoho to generate invoices, shipments, etc.?

In other words, how can I automatically apply the 'Committed Stock' number to the 'Stock on Hand' number whenever an item is sold?
