Automated quoting & proposal App

Automated quoting & proposal App

I'm looking for an App that can link into zoho crm. 

 We will use a form to collect data from a customer site.
 This data will be quantities (numbers). I would like to place this form on a web page which can be reached through both web or mobile devices (not device specific). From this data, I would like it to automatically generate a quote for the customer, and publish it online (securely) as a business proposal. The client should then be able to accept the proposal online, and have contract automatically generated and emailed. All of this being recorded in the CRM. I'm looking for quotations for this work at the moment, along with any queries, or suggestions.

At the moment this work is done on a excel spreadsheet for each service type (approx 20 service types) Please give me your thoughts and quotations This application must be built for the use of many via our website, without restrictions on quantity of users, proposals etc. I'm Looking for someone who can work with us long term for a number of projects, so both price and quality are important.

Budget : open | Duration : two-four weeks

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