Automatically assign bank deposit to a customer payment

Automatically assign bank deposit to a customer payment

Is there is a way to automatically assign a bank deposit to a customer payment? 
I have setup bank feeds and rules to identify deposits from my frequent depositors. That helps speed the matching process in the BANKING tab. 

However, this does not match the payment to the customer invoice in the MONEY IN tab. So, the customer has paid and I have "matched" their bank feed deposit, but BOOKS does not apply this to their invoice. So, if I don't manually do it, BOOKS will report that the customer is in arrears, which is incorrect, they have paid. Unless I am missing something, this important automation step seems to have been overlooked by Zoho. 

In order for me to fully match the transaction and apply the deposit to the invoice, here's what I have to do. 

  1. Match the bank feed deposit to the customer in BANK tab.
  2. Write down (that's right, pencil and paper!), the deposit date and amount of the deposit and customer name. 
  3. Go to CONTACTS/ CUSTOMERS, select the customer and choose "record payment"
  4. Manually input the following;
    • Amount Received
    • Payment Date
    • Payment Method
    • Deposit To
    • Enter payment amount again in invoice "Payment" column
    • Select the customers email check box (to send thank you note on save)
    • Click the Save button
This is very labour intensive and defeats the purpose of an online system that's meant to save time. Am I missing something or is this the best this system can do in regards to automation of recurring tasks?
