Backorder vs. Bundle - Out-of-Stock Composite Items

Backorder vs. Bundle - Out-of-Stock Composite Items

When a Sales Order is ready for Packaging, if an Item is out of stock, there's a warning asking if the user wishes to backorder the item:

This is very nice.

However, in my company, every product sold is a Composite Item. If something on the Sales Order is out-of-stock, it needs to be Bundled, not Backordered.

It would really help UX if there was a similar warning with the option to Bundle out-of-stock Composite Items from this screen.

The use case here that out-of-stock Composite Items typically just need to be Bundled rather than Backordered. It seems like this would be a good place to make the process easier for folks that Bundle to order (or at least have the option to do so).