Based currency mismatch lead to sync failure btw Shopify in Hong Kong Dollars and Zoho in USD ? any solution

Based currency mismatch lead to sync failure btw Shopify in Hong Kong Dollars and Zoho in USD ? any solution

I have been using Zoho books and inventory and based my currency in USD because most of my PO to suppliers, and expenses are made in this currency
I recently open and create a Shopify account but based currency is HKD so it can be linked to my HK Bank to avoid xrate fees.
NOW I would like to sync the items and sales orders between the 2 platform , but it does not because i think the based currencies are different
I don t want to erase all the transaction created in Zoho (as per what is it recommended ) , so i am looking here for a solution to sync Sale ORDERS an items stock ?
Thank you