Best way to populate JSON query in Deluge - exemple of JSON STRING MAP to create contract with api

Best way to populate JSON query in Deluge - exemple of JSON STRING MAP to create contract with api

Hi every one just want to share about process with you.. I just want to share my code to build JSON string in DELUGE.

As the api is not as complete as javascript.. we need to have tricks..  For myself i have 1rst try to use the combination of Map(); and List(); with toString(); function to build the perfect JSON Map but it was realy a long script, difficult to read.. so now i just concatenate string or part of string...

Its important to create json string instead of pure json as square Bracket List "[0,1,2,..]" is not supported and will be squish into curly brace "{}" on save.

Exemple :  THIS 
  1. {
  2.   "metaApiName": "contract-end-date",
  3.   "inputs": [
  4.     {
  5.       "inputApiName": "contract-end-date",
  6.       "inputValue": 3
  7.     },
  8.     {
  9.       "inputApiName": "n-monthsyears-value",
  10.       "inputValue": "contract_month"
  11.     },
  12.     {
  13.       "inputApiName": "n-monthsyears-term",
  14.       "inputValue": 0
  15.     }
  16.   ]
  17. }


  1. will become this on save wich is incorrect
  2. {
  3.   "metaApiName": "contract-end-date",
  4.   "inputs": {
  5.     {
  6.       "inputApiName": "contract-end-date",
  7.       "inputValue": 3
  8.     },
  9.     {
  10.       "inputApiName": "n-monthsyears-value",
  11.       "inputValue": "contract_month"
  12.     },
  13.     {
  14.       "inputApiName": "n-monthsyears-term",
  15.       "inputValue": 0
  16.     }
  17.   }
  18. }

So thirst thing i suggest is build the entire request in json an then passing it as string with escaped caracters as bellow 

  1. jsonString = "{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputValue\":3},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-value\",\"inputValue\":24},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-term\",\"inputValue\":0}]}"

Then you can split the request string in parts and build the full request string with 
  1. string = "3"
  2. string += "2"
  3. string += "3"
  4. info string; = "123";

, add variable with + operator and the outpout will be correct.

  1. InnerArrayVaraibleSTRING = "{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputValue\":3},";

  2. InnerArrayVaraibleSTRING += "{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-value\",\"inputValue\":24},";

  3. InnerArrayVaraibleSTRING += "{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-term\",\"inputValue\":0}";

  4. jsonString = "{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputs\":[ " +   InnerArrayVaraibleSTRING  +  "]}";

And bellow the full exemple to build the map of a contract :

  1. TypeDeContrat = "you-contract-type-id"; // Contract type id = url part of edit contract type
  2. contrat_title  = "Contrat Test 2024 Auto"; // Contract title
  3. requester = "NAME OF REQUESTER";
  4. contrat_description = "Description of the contract";
  5. CounterpartNAme = "ACCOUNT-ID-IN-ZOHO-CONTRACT";
    // Counterpart id = url part id of counterpart
    // (exemple : green veggy society is certainely  : green-veggy-society )
  7. contract_month = 36; // the duration of my contrat // this one start with sign for contract_month ;

  8. //Contract map title and template
  9. contrat_content = "{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-type\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-type\",\"inputValue\":\""+ TypeDeContrat +"\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"title\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"title\",\"inputValue\":\""+  contrat_title +  "\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"description\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"description\",\"inputValue\":\""+ contrat_description + "\"}]},"; 

  10. //Contract map asker
  11. contrat_content += "{\"metaApiName\":\"requester-name\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"requester-name\",\"inputValue\":\""+ requester + "\"}]},";

  12. //Contract map counterpart
  13. contrat_content += "{\"metaApiName\":\"party-b-name\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"party-b-name\",\"inputValue\":\""+ CounterpartNAme + "\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"counterparty-primary-contact\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"party-b-primary-contact-name\",\"inputValue\":\""+ counterpartUserNAmeMAil + "\"}]},";

  14. contrat_content += "{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-term\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-term\",\"inputValue\":true}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"is-renewable\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"is-renewable\",\"inputValue\":false}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-effective-date\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-effective-date\",\"inputValue\":1}]},";

  15. //Contract map Basic Options i selected (start with signature for x month ) 
  16. contrat_content += "{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputValue\":3},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-value\",\"inputValue\":" + contract_month + "},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-term\",\"inputValue\":0}]}";

  17. // concatenate all input field list in brackets 
  18. inputfieldlist = "[" + contrat_content + "]";
  19. // Finaly add anythings to the final json array map
  20. input_contract_map = "{\"externalSource\": true, \"inputfields\":" + inputfieldlist + "}";

  21. //Show and debug the array maps generated
  22. info input_contract_map;

You can notice  the formula  : 

 \"inputValue\":\""+  contrat_title +  "\" , where contrat_title = "string_variable";
double quote is escaped before string and variable concatenation to ensure string variable to appear as string.. 
"inputValue": " +  contrat_title  +  " ,  
become  "inputValue": "string_variable " ,

Then you just have to put it to add it to the request :

  1. headerMap = Map();
  2. headerMap.put("Content-Type","application/json");


  5. //url :"" // create with subfields
  6. response_create_contract = invokeurl
  7. [
  8. url :""
  9. type :POST
  10. parameters: input_contract_map
  11. headers:headerMap
  12. detailed:true
  13. connection: "YOUR_CONNEXION_NAME"
  14. ];
  15. info response_create_contract;

If you have better way to ensure good encoding of the JSON string please comment and share ! 

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