Buy different products to create 1 product

Buy different products to create 1 product


We've been using Zoho Inventory (free) for a while now to test few things out before we move to a paid subscription package, before we do that we still have 1 issue that we do not know how to go around to do it and I thought i'd ask here to see if anyone has any ideas on how to do it.

What we do is this:
We buy 3 different products, lets call them Pro1, Pro2 and Pro3.. we purchase each product in KG units, each product has its own different price.

The purchase for example  is, 20Kg of Pro1, 200KG of Pro2 and 100KG of Pro3, so total is 320KG.

What we do is we mix all 3 products (the 320KG) together in a new package to create our own product and sell that product to our clients.

My question is, how can i create a new product in Zoho Inventory that reflects all 3 products purchases and the sale of our new product without screwing things up.

Any ideas are appreciated