Call Stripe API from Function on Flow

Call Stripe API from Function on Flow

I have this code one flow to call API from Stripe:
  1. string CreateStripePayementLink()
  2. {
  3. datas = "{'line_items':{0:{price:'plan_OLTYHRPZl4t6EO',quantity:1}}}";
  4. response = invokeurl
  5. [
  6. url :""
  7. type :POST
  8. parameters:datas.toMap()
  9. connection:"stripe_sandbox"
  10. ];
  11. return response;
  12. }

But it gives this error
  1. {
    	"error": {
    		"message": "Invalid array",
    		"param": "line_items",
    		"request_log_url": "**************",
    		"type": "invalid_request_error"

When I look the log on Stripe I have this Request Post: 
  1. Request POST body
    "line_items": "{0:{\"price\":\"plan_OLTYHRPZl4t6EO\",\"quantity\":1}}"
The problem is because Stripe API receives double quotes escaped!! 
Any Ideas ?!
Thank You