Calling /requests/:id/fielddata only returns 400 bad request

Calling /requests/:id/fielddata only returns 400 bad request


I'm writing a custom integration for Zoho Sign using an oauth app token. I'm trying to retrieve the prefilled field values after  the document has been created. I believe the /requests/:id/fielddata endpoint from the API documentation is supposed to give me this information. However, every time I call this endpoint, it fails with 400 bad request. There isn't any other information in the message.

This call works just fine:

  1. curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <token>'

But this call fails:
  1. curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.b133478c06371f212727dc5af6d69d20.77e02cbbcaaecd634c9fb85a9eee8a72'

I'm doing it exactly the way the API documentation says to. Can someone tell me why this endpoint isn't working? And if this endpoint isn't working, can someone tell me another way to get the field data?

Thanks in advance,

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