Campaign Setup/Tracker

Campaign Setup/Tracker

I am working on a WW2 website that will be hosting several campaigns for a upcoming video game. I am looking for a "Store" basicly so Generals can purchase units. I need the ability for the Admin to give them a set amount of Points, then purchase units and different values and it would subtract from the orginal amount of points given. If able, I would also like if the units purchased can be sold (at a lesser value) and recieve points in the Units bank account. Also, I need a way for them to purchase reinforcements that would be added back into the purchase units. Example: General Hoth purchases a Platoon (zug) of 3 x Panthers for 1500 points. He started the campaign with 2000 points. He lost 1 Panther in a battle and needs to replace it so he spends another 500 points to make his total 3 again. He is also awarded 300 more points for winning the battle. The key is also to be able to paste the Units strengths to different parts of the site and have admins subtracting unit losses after fights.

Budget : $300 | Duration : 3 weeks

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