Cannot Create Bundle - Associated Items No Quantity Available

Cannot Create Bundle - Associated Items No Quantity Available

So I added several items, set their opening stock levels, etc. I then created a composite item by adding all of the associated items. Clicked save. All associated items accurately show physical & accounting stock #s at 50 to 1,000pcs. I then click 'Create Bundle' at the top and it says I cannot create a bundle due to insufficient stock levels in one or more of the components. In that same screen (attachment "Failed Bundle") the available quantity column says 0 for all of the associated items. However in the "Actual Quantities" attachment, it clear shows there is plenty of stock in all items.

Not understanding what is going on here as when I tested this out, everything worked fine for bundling. Now that I have added tons and tons of items and composite items, its not working. Really hoping I didnt waste my time.... PLEASE HELP!! TIA