Can't find field from ZCRM for a trigger

Can't find field from ZCRM for a trigger


Currently I am revamping our CRM system and we have created second layouts from to try out new processes while not disrupting the old one. Moreover, we want to use different layouts for different processes.

The issue is that when creating the ZCRM trigger, the fields on the new layout don't appear. I have created a record with the new layout suspecting that could be an issue, but nothing.

Is there a rule that defines which fields are shown or not as triggers? How can ensure that the field I want can be setup as a trigger in ZFlow?

Also, is there a way to define flows based on Module Layouts?

Lastly, there is the field "Module" even if I have already chosen one (ex. Sales Orders). What does this field indicate to?

Thank you in advance!