Can't Set Default Font For Headings
I recently transferred to using zohowriter, and I'm struggling to figure out how to set a default font/formatting for anything other than the normal body text. When I select a heading set to my liking, I can hit the Default button and it gives me the option to "set style to [heading]". However, when I click Yes it sets that style as normal instead of saving the style as the new default for that level of heading. How can I fix this? I have attached pictures of this phenomenon in action with my preferred formatting for Header 1 and Header 2, and what happens when I try to save those as the new default for that style.
Additionally, on one of my imported documents attempting to set a new default for any style caused the entire thing to change from Caladea to Roboto in addition to the sort of glitch displayed in the attached images. However, I was unable to recreate this in my test document, so I suspect it may have to do with the file being imported from .docx, or simply its size, as it is over 200 pages long and my test document is just a few paragraphs.
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