Card Scanner - Editing Contact not working properly

Card Scanner - Editing Contact not working properly

When a business card is scanned, often the info is distorted or placed in the wrong section.
Therefore, I need to delete the info or move it.

1. When I try to edit the info within the field, it opens a new window, rather than staying within the field itself.

2. Upon trying to edit within the window, or delete the info, the edits are not captured and you only discover this after closing the window to see the old data still within the field.....annoying, so you try again and again, but there's no easy way to ensure the edits will take.  When deleting a field, I started adding a period simply to override the existing data.  Not ideal solution, but it got rid of the old data.

3. There seems to be a feature that allows me to move all the data from one field to the next, but it needs work for useability.   The options at the bottom disappear and not sure how to bring them back.  There's no delete option, and there's no way to specify exactly where the data should be moved.

These have been my experiences..
Hope it helps to fix the bugs, since the foundation of the product is great....just some useability issues to resolve.