CC and/or BCC users in email templates
I would like the ability to automatically assign a CC and BCC "User (company employee)" into email templates. Specifically, I would like to be able to add the "User who owns the client" as a CC automatically on any interview scheduled or candidate submitted emails. Use case, if an account manager brings in a new client, but a recruiter is working the job order for the client. It is imperative that the account owner be up to date on what is going on in real time. Being cc'd on the interview and candidate submission emails would help insure everybody is on the same page.
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Zoho Recruit User Group Meet-up — India 2024
Hello Zoho Recruit users from India, We’re pleased and excited to announce our 2024 edition of Zoho user group meet-up in India in five cities! In this meet-up, our team of experts will help you understand the intricate nuances to use Zoho Recruit better,