Change outgoing msg name on emails from for mobile application

Change outgoing msg name on emails from for mobile application

I have a few different emails addresses(4 to be exact) and, depending on which of my companies I am dealing with I need to create a thread of emails for that particular address. On my laptop I can have my outgoing ZOHO emails read, in the "From" column, myname@company1 or myname2@company1 or myname@company2 etc. The mobile app, however, does not appear to have a utility that allow me to change from When someone is sending an email to me one of my email addresses, I want to be able to respond to them the address they sent to and not have them respond to myname at Maybe I am missing something but I cant seem to locate a "settings"key that would allow me to do this in the mobile app. I have set up my ZOHO mail (PC version) so that each of my accounts sends and receives from each of my addresses. Not sure why this does not translate to the mobile app.
Until this is remedied I cant really use the mobile app for emails. Hopefully it is an easy fix and I am just not seeing where this can be set up.

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