Chat routing >> Route to selected operators then any available operator.

Chat routing >> Route to selected operators then any available operator.

Current routing only allows for routing to selected operators and then the call goes to missed.

Route to selected operators - On choosing this option, a (+) plus symbol to will appear you can add the operators of your choice. The chats from the visitors based on the specific rule selected will be routed to the selected operators even if there are other operators available. For example: If you have selected a specific rule to route the chats from the Europe region to a specific operator, then the chats from the region will be routed to only that operator. If the status of the operator you have chosen is turned busy, then the chat will go missed. It will not be routed to any other operator.

We would like to be able to route to selected operators as a first preference and then any other online operator if they are unavailable. 

Any operator taking every call is the preference for customer service, rather than having a missed call; however we would prefer to route to product expert if possible.