Chat windows? Not just meant for chats anymore, for your abridged knowledge bases as well!

Chat windows? Not just meant for chats anymore, for your abridged knowledge bases as well!

Hey there,

Why would you want to withhold all the powerful insights that you possess about your products and services within yourself, when you can share, enlighten and empower your customers with it? Why would you want to wait until the customers bring in recurring support queries when you can educate them before-hand and aid them in resolving common issues all by themselves? 

Too many questions? Don't worry you will have it all answered with the new feature that Zoho SalesIQ has launched - " Articles ".

Well, what can " Articles do for you?

This feature lets you create, curate, share and utilize insightful articles and also organize and hold them down right away in the chat windows of your customers. Ergo, turning the chat windows on your website(s) into a gateway to your insightful knowledge base. Cool, isn't it?


Now let's quickly check out what are all the perks of utilizing this feature.....

1. Chop off workload.

Since the knowledge repository can effortlessly be accessed, your operators might only have to deal with intricate issues as the customers can utilize the FAQ section in their chat windows as a quick reference guide and find answers for simple queries. Ergo, the workload of your operators will be cut down to half.

2. A quick reference guide.  

Your customers will have a quick reference guide that they could reach out to whenever they need quick assistance, thus they wouldn't have to depend on the operators of your firm all the time.

3. The wait is over.

Your customers need not just restlessly wait for your operators to come online to assist them anymore. For instance, say one of your prospective customers Kate visits your firm's official website, and say she is in dire need of a particular piece of information. But since she dropped by after your standard business hours there weren't any operators available to assist her. What would she do? All that she can do is just drop in a text and wait for your operators to respond restlessly.

4. No more fishing through the entire knowledge base for answers.

Since insightful articles are just within your customer's arm's reach, they wouldn't have to take up the pain of visiting your website, search through your knowledge repository, and search for the right help article they need.

5. Categorize to organize 

This feature lets you categorize the articles that you create, and so you can organize the articles systematically around various categories and thus easing out the search-on venture that your visitors would set out for the right piece of information they need. And substantially, your knowledge base would look a lot sleeker and orderly arranged.

6. No time is it?

Don't have enough patience to go fish around for the right article? Then just type out relative keywords in the search bar, hit enter and you will be listed down with all the articles that contain the specified keyword(s) in it. For instance say, you would want to know how to manage multiple accounts, all that you have to do is type in "multiple accounts" and all the articles that contain the keyword specified would be listed down. 

Well my job for today is done, now its your turn bud! Without further ado quickly scoot back to our user guide to know more about this feature and start creating insightful articles of your own!
