ChatGPT action card VERSUS new ChatGTP plug integration

ChatGPT action card VERSUS new ChatGTP plug integration

After some tests, my understanding is that (please correct me if I'm wrong):

ChatGTP Action Card:

  • Will be able to natively find your resources from SalesIQ's Articles, FAQ, and Zoho Desk.
  • Will use GPT-4 (4o?) only to summarize the answers it can find in the aforementioned documents.
  • Is most probably less performant in providing contextualized answers.

ChatGTP with Plug Integration:

  • Uses GPT-4o integration natively to handle all conversations.
  • Is much better at answering written questions.
  • Is harder to use with other SalesIQ chat functions (e.g., it acts like a separate brain, so if you ask to book an appointment, it will probably suggest contacting the company and won't be able to show the Zoho booking card).

Am I right? Do you have anything to add?

Because now I'm now sure which path to go. It's hard to mix gpt-40 Plug integration with all the features (like book an appointment) but I looks like much more performants in providing answers. But I would need to train the model directly in Open AI so there's the problem of duplicating docs, provide up-to-date info, etc.
