Check out our new Dashboard widget!

Check out our new Dashboard widget!

Tracking things down is easier when all the information you need is available in one place. As a temp staffing agent, you have to manage multiple temps for different clients, and they all may have different schedules and availability. To help you out, we're introducing a new widget called "Who is working today?"
As the name suggests, this widget will let you see which temps have shifts scheduled for the day. It will also provide details like who has checked in for their shift, who is late, and how many no-shows there are—all from your Workerly Dashboard.

We'd love for you to check this widget out and let us know your thoughts or feedback on it!
Note: Please ensure that you have enabled 'Real-time check-in' to view the widget on your dashboard.
To enable real-time check-in, navigate to Setup > Timeclock, and toggle on Real-time check-in.

Questions? Feedback?
Feel free to post them in the comments below or send us an email at
May the tempforce be with you!
The Zoho Workerly Team