Cloning or duplicating an invoice

Cloning or duplicating an invoice

Cloning or duplicating an invoice is an often requested feature. We really feel bad to keep saying that it is not currently support. Yes, this is definitely on the priority list and will be added shortly but till such time we suggest the following work around. Give this a try and let us know your comments.

Typically the requirement here is to copy the entire content of the invoice apart from the customer information. Here is how you can do that

1. Just like creating an invoice, create an estimate/quote. Associate it to a dummy customer and save it is as draft.
2. Whenever you want a new invoice, use the �Create Invoice� option in the estimate details page and create invoice from that estimate. While creating the invoice associate it to the correct customer.

Using the steps above you can create as many invoices you want and whenever you want.

Hope this helps.
