{"code":2930,"message":"Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience."}

{"code":2930,"message":"Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience."}


Im trying to update my conections with Zoho Creator from V1 to the new.
I have a simple update getRecords and updateRecord, but both are giving the same error:
{"code":2930,"message":"Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience."}

The code is this way:
searchB = zoho.creator.getRecords("roboplan","planeamento-plano-b","Tasks_Report",criteriaB,1,200,"creator");


creatorB = zoho.creator.updateRecord("roboplan","planeamento-plano-b","Tasks",creatorid,rowDataB,empty,"creator");

I've seen the docs and it seems that everything its ok.

Can somebody help?
