Codeless Bots : Storing data with context and visitor fields

Codeless Bots : Storing data with context and visitor fields

The Codeless bot platform in Zoho SalesIQ helps your build virtual assistants for your business website the easy way - the no-code way. All you have to do is design a flow chart that will define the flow of your bot using drag and drop elements and you're all set. Once the flow chart is complete, your bot will be ready to start assisting visitors on your website.

Bot context and visitor fields

You can configure your bot to store information temporarily or permanently using the Codeless bot platform. The two options available inside the Codeless bot platform to store information are:
  1. Save in visitor field
  2. Save in bot context
Save in bot context:
Using certain elements in the Codeless bot platform, you can store the information that was collected inside the bot context temporarily till the visitor/bot ends the conversation. This information can be further used across flows to make different decisions.

Save in visitor fields:
Bot context is a data definition that is used to collect multiple inputs to perform a single action.
Information collected by the bot can also be permanently stored as custom visitor fields and used in integrated services like Zoho desk, Zoho CRM, Salesforce, etc.

Information collected by the Input blocks can be stored in either visitor or bot context fields. The following are the ouptut params:
  1. Button
  2. Option
  3. Mulitple Option
  4. Calendar
  5. Slider 
  6. Rating
  7. Location
  8. Slots

How can I enable this option?

To save data using any of these two options or both,
  • Inside the Zobot section, add a new bot.
  • Choose the Codeless bot builder option.
  • Inside the bot builder, click on the cardholder and add a new card from the Input blocks or Data blocks category.
  • Give your card a name and add a message.
  • Then, check the box next to the option that you want to choose - Save in visitor field or Save in bot context and enter a field name.
  • Finally click Save and your configuration will be ready.
To learn how to build your bot using the Codeless bot platform, click here.