Contacts - Company see the TAB for products

Contacts - Company see the TAB for products


Is there way to see the products tab in the contacts - company.

I would like to see all the products that I have for a company or contact and I see it is missing that option in the app bigin for example in the company information I would like to have a tab for products in which have option to select to see all the products by date and deal or All products.

All products presented qts-unit price-  total price of qts.

Is there way to activate this TAB for products to view it in Contacts - companies?
Ideia is when visiting a client see quickly what products was purchased by the company or see what products exist for this client.
Maybe more detailed for example;
•option won pipeline deals
• option last pipeline deals
• option all open deals
• option all deals
Maybe have option to incluid sheets option.