Composite Items: list of Articles to be ordered

Composite Items: list of Articles to be ordered

Hi Zoho Team,

one of our customers has a need for it: with the order of several Composite Items, some products are not in stock and need to be ordered. The customer wants a single list of all the Articles to be ordered to be produced and not a list for each single Composite Item.
  • we have a SO for the Composite Item "A" and one SO for the Composite Item "B"
  • when we create the bundles we discover that for the Composite Item A we need to order few Articles and the same happens for the Composite Items B
  • the Warehouse Manager wants only one list to read which items to order, and not 2 lists (one for Composite item A and one for the B)
I hope I was clear enough and that you can help me in this request. This feature is critical for the customer to purchase Zoho Inventory.