Concerns about moving forward with this product

Concerns about moving forward with this product

After getting excited and diving head first into working with Notebook, I'm starting to have a bit of pause on moving forward using the software.

My concern is related to working blindly with no vision for the future as far as much needed functionality.
I do not know if future functionality will be coming 1 month, 1 year or 5 years into the future. For example: How much time and effort do I put into this product not knowing if and when I would be able to export my information for other uses?  (Yes I know you said it is on the request list). 
What users really need is the following: 
  • A dedicated online feature request list of what is being worked by the dev team - which users can then refer to so that they can confidently work on the platform.
  • A schedule for what functionality and when is coming in the future with actual dates
  • What are the user requests and who and how many votes each one has? We should be able to see this and add things to the list.
  • What is the hierarchy of functionality to come? Again - when are they due to arrive? Winter, Spring 2018? Summer 2018?
  • Rather than trying to develop the online app, desktop app, mobile app, Apple watch app all at once and dilute the developer resources, why not complete either the web-based or desktop app so that you can then port over the finished product to the other devices. This would be more efficient and inspire trust in a mature piece of software.
  • How many users are there? Is this even worth working with if you merely have 100 users worldwide? Is it worth it for ZoHo to continue to develop the app? We need some solid answers to what is currently vague and unfinished program.
  • Regular email updates and ongoing communication with the current user base. We need clarity and information from the developers on a regular basis.
Making general statements about possible functionality, voted on by some users that may be coming at some random point in time does not inspire trust or dedication from the user base. It may actually put off potential users. This is a great product with amazing potential - but I'm not feeling any solid answers coming from ZoHo at this time. I'm disappointed and truthfully torn about putting additional time and energy into what may be to some degree vaporware. Unless these issues have a more solid resolution, I may have to look for some other, more developed and more committed software. I hope these issues are taken seriously and discussed with the team. I'm sure the current user base would back up some of these requests. We loook forward to better communication from your team. thanks

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