Connect with Zoho users from your industry, virtually!

Connect with Zoho users from your industry, virtually!

A couple of years ago, we started setting up industry-wise channels for users with similar businesses to chat and discuss Zoho contextually. We started with Real Estate and E-commerce sectors, creating a chatroom and hosting regular meetups on niche areas of Zoho, voted on by the groups. We've seen both these Zoho User Groups grow into ecosystems abuzz with relevant, interesting discussions. And now we've extended this platform to other industries.
Join a community of Zoho users who share your interests. Take advantage of free, virtual presentations, workshops, and networking events to engage with experts and Zoho users from your industry.
Here are the six interest-based Zoho User Groups we have up and running right now
  1. Developers ZUG
  2. E-commerce ZUG
  3. Education ZUG
  4. Healthcare ZUG
  5. Real Estate ZUG
  6. Small Business ZUG
  7. Tourism ZUG
Each group meets virtually once every month. You'll be added to the discussion channel for the respective group you select, where you can network with your peers, discuss the meeting agenda, schedule etc. Once you apply for the group membership, you'll receive an email to join the ZUG channel.
If the seven ZUGs above doesn't include your domain, or if you have a suggestion for your selected group, let us know in the comments below.

P.S. The groups are open for Zoho customers exclusively. Requesting Partners to not apply for membership. However, Partners can leave a comment below if they would like to join any event conducted by any specific industry-based ZUG as a guest speaker.

      • Sticky Posts

      • Connect with Zoho users from your industry, virtually!

        A couple of years ago, we started setting up industry-wise channels for users with similar businesses to chat and discuss Zoho contextually. We started with Real Estate and E-commerce sectors, creating a chatroom and hosting regular meetups on niche areas
      • Feature update: Advanced security settings

        We've previously written about how using security policies could be beneficial for admins. To enable you to better protect your organization, we've come up with a few additional settings for security policies in Zoho One that can be used to regulate your users' web sessions. What are web sessions? A web session refers to the period of time you stay signed in to your Zoho One account. You create a new web session every time you sign in to Zoho One (or any of its included apps), and this session exists