Contacts not appearing on map

Contacts not appearing on map

Hello Zoho,

An employee in my company encounters problems with the Zoho Application on his Android device.

He has entered over 100 contacts and yet, when he clicks the map icon, only 2 contacts show up nearby. We tried to set the radius to maximum but still nothing happens.

I am positive that the address on each contact is valid, because when I click the map icon from contact's details, I get redirected to Google Maps application, to the correct address.

The problem is most likely in his account, not his phone. We tried logging in with his account in 3 different phones and there is the same everywhere.

Note: He experience the same behavior with Leads and Accounts as well, not only Contacts.

Please, could you help us address this problem? We have had to deal with it for the past few months and it's becoming a great nuisance.

Thank you in advance.