General 1. Users should be able to sign-up & log-in to access the app 2. Recruiters should be able to sign-up & log-in to access the app 3. Sign-up sends an confirmation mail Candidate Side 1. Users fill form with open contest entries 2. Users receive confirmation email 3. Entries moderated 4. User entered (moderated) data is displayed on website 5. Users can view and rate entries posted by other users Recruiter Side 1. Recruiters can see user entries 2. Recruiters can rate / assign score to each entry 3. Be able to sort entries by various parameters - Country / city / skill / rating etc. 4. Be able to contact selected candidates through the website Job Posting 1. Admins should be able to post jobs 2. Candidates should be able to apply against posted jobs Misc. requirements 1. Design should match website theme 2. App embed using IFrame