Copy and pasting text from other apps (OneNote in this case) results in bad note text

Copy and pasting text from other apps (OneNote in this case) results in bad note text


I've been migrating some notes over from OneNote and to be honest it's been a nightmare to do so.  If you copy a block of text in OneNote -- I'm on a Mac -- into the Zoho Notebook app you end up with doubled-up blank lines.  For example...

"Line 1
Line 2"

Will end up in the Zoho Notebook note as...

"Line 1

Line 2


Additionally, features supported in OneNote such as headers or tables end up with text in the new note that you cannot change.  A Header 2 from OneNote, for example, can't then be changed to normal text in the Zoho Notebook note.  Worse, tables are completely uneditable in the new note.

If the original note includes an image, then it just results in a blank space in the Zoho Notebook note and no image.


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