Crack The Zoho Code: A Game

Crack The Zoho Code: A Game


Decipher the encrypted Zoho product names based on the clues provided. The encryption replaces each letter with another letter from the alphabet, following a consistent pattern.

How to Play:

Map the encrypted letters (bold and underlined) to the actual letters, following a pattern.
Use the first few clues to discover the encryption pattern.
Apply that pattern to decrypt the remaining clues and enter your answers.


1. I use DNLU to chat and collaborate with my team seamlessly. [Answer - CLIQ]
2. PPH is the operating system for business. [Answer - ONE]
3. Losing my DTP data would be disastrous for tracking client relationships! [Answer - CRM]

Decrypt the following:

4. TCOIXOX provides insightful analytics on our website traffic patterns.
5. Maintaining an active social media presence is made much easier with the scheduling capabilities of TQFMFR.
6. Without WCXPY, I'd have a meltdown trying to remember all my passwords.
7. The e-signature feature in TKJR has expedited our contract management process tremendously.

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